Lancer Homebrew: Art Updates

The great mech-artist @Shadefish1 did amazing artwork for the current 4 GEM licenses. The artwork for each frame (Hawking, Dyson, Darwin, Kelvin) is below, and the previous links are being updated. Enjoy!

Lancer Homebrew: Kelvin

New Lancer homebrew, the Kelvin! This frame was designed to operate for extended periods of time on subzero planets. It was then modified by GEM to house their experimental Absolute Zero technology.

Garal Exotic Materials (GEM) doesn’t ask whether something makes sense or is dangerous, they ask if it can be done at all!

Google Drive Link

Lancer Homebrew: Darwin

New Lancer homebrew, the Darwin! This frame is an adaptable hunter, used as scouting frames in new planets. Their adaptability and self sufficient systems allow them to operate for long periods of time without needing to return to base.

Garal Exotic Materials (GEM) doesn’t ask whether something makes sense or is dangerous, they ask if it can be done at all!

Google Drive Link

Lancer Homebrew: Dyson

New Lancer homebrew, the Dyson! This frame uses drones to redirect energy and create small structures.

Garal Exotic Materials (GEM) doesn’t ask whether something makes sense or is dangerous, they ask if it can be done at all! Dyson spheres are well understood and rarely worth the effort of actually constructing, but the original designers of this frame wondered how small you could make a dyson sphere, and have it be effective.

Google Drive Link

Lancer Homebrew: Hawking

I’ve been working on some homebrew Lancer licenses. Check out the Hawking, a gravity-controlling frame with an internal black-hole engine.

Garal Exotic Materials (GEM) doesn’t ask whether something makes sense or dangerous, they ask if it can be done at all! Black-hole engines are dangerous and not as efficient as traditional power sources, but they were looking into miniaturized black hole technology anyway, so why not see if it works?

Google Drive Link

Lancer Roguelike


Hello Everyone!

Lancer is possibly my favorite RPG of the year, and I keep thinking of fun ways to play or hack the game. As a game with a ton of options, it’s fun to build your pilot and mechs the way you want.

Another style of play I like from games like Slay the Spire and Hades is, instead of planning out your exact build, you create a build with the limited options you have available.

I present: Lancer Roguelike!

(I am aware that it’s not really a roguelike, but it’s the closest term I can think of).

The Randomizer

Here is a google sheet randomizer I set up to roll everything

Lancer Roguelike

The Rules

The game works as normal, but with the following changes:

  1. Whenever you gain a License Level (LL), instead of choosing the license, you get 4 random license rewards from across all of the license lines. From this list of 4 options, you choose 2.

  2. At LL1, your options are all License Rank 1 rewards. At LL2, they’re either LL1 or LL2. At LL3 and higher, they can be of any rank.

  3. At LL2, you get a guaranteed frame. This is a bonus in addition to your normal 4 options.

  4. You can only pick 1 frame every License Level, even if there are multiple frames to choose from. Picking a frame is a free choice, and doesn’t count as one of your 2 rewards. Once you pick a frame, repopulate all rewards showing a frame with a non-frame reward. This way, you always get to choose 2 rewards from a pool of 4.

That’s all there is. Below are some additional rules you can consider depending on how much you want to leave up to chance, or to tweak the playstyle.

  • Instead of needing 3 license levels in a specific manufacturer to unlock their core bonuses, you only need 2.

  • You can only unlock a number of frames equal to 1/2 your License Level. If you can’t choose a frame, replace it with a non-frame reward.

If you try this out, let me know how it goes!