Ancestry Awakened
/Hello everyone! I’ve been working on my next Kickstarter, a book for D&D 5e tentatively called Ancestry Awakened, a book of new and reworked ancestry options for 5e.
I’m still in the prep phase of the Kickstarter, but I wanted to share some of the ideas that are in the book.
Major/Minor Feature System
Ancestry Awakened introduces the major/minor feature system, a framework for designing and balancing ancestries. The inspiration for the system came from Ryan Langr’s Grazilaxx’s Guide to Ancestry on the DMsGuild. That book uses a similar system, but a different approach to it.
In Ancestry Awakened, every ancestry is built with 2 major features and 2 minor features. Major features are mechanically impactful traits or abilities, and minor features are less impactful. An example of a major feature would be a dragonborn’s breath attack, and a minor feature would be something like darkvision or a skill proficiency.
Best of all, each ancestry has CHOICES! You don’t get just one set of features whenever you pick that ancestry. Instead, there are always choices to make. Take a look at a preview of the gargoyle.
You lookin’ for a bruisin’? art by @OutlandIdol
Anyway, stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the Kickstarter launch!