Art by Jack Kaiser
All New Ancestries for 5e!
Pirate Gonzalez Games is working on our newest Kickstarter, Ancestry Awakened!
Ancestry Awakened is a 5e supplement of new and reworked ancestry options for the most popular tabletop RPG. Our basic funding level includes:
40 NEW ancestries, including balanced rules for playing traditionally ‘monstrous’ characters like undead, harpies, and even oozes!
A new, streamlined system for creating and choosing ancestries with the Major/Minor Feature system! Now EVERY character with the same ancestry can be different. No longer is every half-orc or dragonborn the same!
An overhaul of the existing 5e races with the new feature system, so that even your familiar ancestries are balanced against our new and improved changes!
Take a look at some of the examples of the new ancestries we’re adding to the game!
The Undead
The Woodborn
Our goal with Ancestry Awakened is to handle the issues of ancestry and race respectfully, while also fixing some of the problematic elements with the depiction of race in fantasy RPGs. One of the ways we’re doing this is by changing how Ability Score Increases work.
Instead of each ancestry getting a specific set of bonuses to certain ability scores, each ancestry gets the following:
“When you select your ancestry, you gain a +2 and +1 bonus to two different ability scores of your choice, or a +1 bonus to three different ability scores.”
EVERY ancestry in Ancestry Awakens gets the same choice, so that we can focus on the unique aspects and features of each ancestry, and open up your game to a wider realm of class/ancestry combinations. We’re also rebalancing the existing 5e races with this in mind, so everything is on the same playing field. Elven barbarians! Goblin wizards! Anything is now possible, and you are no longer mechanically penalized for such choices.
I hope that you support Ancestry Awakened, and help spread the word!
Follow me on twitter @PirateGonzalez for the latest updates!
Ancestry Awakens launches on Kickstarter April 28, 2020. Follow the Pre-Launch page to get notified when it goes live!
Thanks for your support!