Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 5e

Everyone is NOT here yet

Everyone is NOT here yet

I’m a huge fan of Super Smash Bros., so I statted up the original N64 crew in D&D 5e. I’ve tried to interpret their specials in 5e, without going through all of their normal attacks.

I’ve included a section for their Final Smashes. Much like Smash Bros., it’s up the GM to decide how and when they get used. Once per day? Only when certain criteria are met? It’s your call. The Final Smashes weren’t used for calculating CR, so they’re basically a simple add-on.

If enough people like these, I might do some more, but for new enjoy the original starters.

If you’re interested in a PDF, you can find it here.

Avenger: A Rogue Archetype

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I’ve released a new subclass for D&D 5e, the Avenger! This class was inspired by the avenger from D&D 4e, and was created as a special request for the Rogue.

The Avenger is available from the DMs Guild here, but I’ll include the pages below for anyone that reads this blog. If you like it, please stop by the DMs Guild and buy a copy!

If you want to leave a review, let me know and I’ll send you a free copy.


Warlock: Dragon Patron

I’ve been working on some projects lately, which is why there’s been a lack of updates (The Book of Constructs has a LOT of monsters). In the meantime, I decided to actually finish one of the subclasses I created months ago, the warlock Dragon Patron!

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This is for sale and free on DMsGuild, but check it out and let me know what you think! It’s heavily (HEAVILY) inspired by the Draconic Bloodline sorcerer, the goal was to fit that into the warlock chassis.

Enjoy the Pact of the Dragon!

Warframe 5e Update

I’ve been working on some more Warframes for D&D 5e. Here are Ash, Atlas, Banshee, and Baruuk.

This was a fun group to work with. Atlas’ rumblers is basically summoning two earth elementals, which makes him very powerful in 5e. On the flip side, Banshee had some cool abilities that were really easy to port to 5e, specifically around the silence spell.

Here are the newest ones!

Warframe 5e

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I’ve been playing a lot of Warframe lately, and like most video games I get into, I decided to design some of the warframes as monster stat blocks in 5e.

Without getting too far into the game, technically these would be best handled as magic items with a few extra rules. However, I just released a book of 400+ magic items, and designing monster stat blocks is more fun for me, so here we are.

Here are the Warframes I’ve designed so far, check them out! After this group, their CR will probably vary more as I play around fitting their designs into higher and lower CRs. In the game, all the warframes are pretty evenly balanced around each other, but that makes converting them into 5e boring. So expect some variety with future updates!

Here are the three starters (Excalibur, Mag, Volt), and my current main, Rhino.

Archive of Magic Items Release

The Archive of Magic Items is finally finished!


The PDF version of the Archive is live on, and I’m still working on the physical versions. But you’re able to go check it out now!

This was a huge process, and it only came about because of the help of our wonderful Kickstarter backers and the amazing people that worked on the book.

I’ll share some previews of the archive here, but go check it out if you haven’t already, and be sure to leave a rating! I hope you all like the Archive of Magic Items!